Written by: Isaac Grant

Being on the move, no matter whether you’re moving or you’re traveling, can be amusing, it can be an adventure or it can be a drag. Obviously, how it is going to work out for you depends on the number of variables. Some of them you can control, while others are out of your reach. While there are circumstances that you cannot influence and that are not up to you, there are certain things that you can do in order to make your life easier when you’re on the move. One of such things is packing an essentials box.

What is an “essentials box”

Essentials box is a box that contains the most valuable items to you. Bear in mind that by most valuable we don’t necessarily mean most valuable possessions money-wise. We are addressing the things that you need on a daily basis. It’s the things that either make life easier or the stuff that you are used to having on you or close by all the time.

Packing an essentials box

Your essentials box should be as small as possible

Still, bear in mind that you’ll be moving to different apartments, cities, states, countries, and some will even move to different continents. The first week is surely going to hectic wherever you go. This is why you need to have several items within your easy reach. This means that you should not make the mistake of stuffing your essentials box first into the truck – it should be the last thing to go in!

Now, in the times in which we live, when you say essentials, people tend to think of the following:

  • Their cell phone
  • Wallet
  • Keys to their apartment
  • Keys to the car

However, when you’re on the move this list expands rapidly. Therefore, make sure you don’t miss preparing such a box for yourself. In order to make packing it as easy as possible, follow the packing guidelines we’ve prepared for you. And let me just point out that an essentials box does not necessarily need to be a box. It can also be a backpack or a purse. Nevertheless, no matter how you pack, make sure you have those items within your easy reach.

What to prepare when packing an essentials box

There are two different variants of packing an essentials box: packing it only for yourself and packing it for the whole family.

Packing an essentials box for yourself

Alright, the time has come to take a look at what it is that you need when packing an essentials box for yourself:

Prepared clothes and shoes

You’re going to need a change of clothes after a long day of moving

  • Phone – nowadays you won’t make it through the move without your phone on you. It may be your local US moving professionals who might need to ask you a question or two or your partner calling to check up on your progress. Whatever you do, pay attention to have your phone within your grasp.
  • Wallet – this one is pretty straightforward. Majority of people keep their ID card, driver’s license and credit cards in their wallets. Some like to put the wallet in their pants’ pockets. If that’s you, we’re guessing you’ll still opt to have your pockets empty during the move. It’s so much easier to have it all at one spot, so placing your wallet in it when packing an essentials box is a must.
  • Keys – you’re not going to enter your new home without your new keys. Furthermore, imagine what would happen if you arrived at your new address, with two trucks transporting your furniture and no means to enter. First thing is that you’d realize that all the packing you’ve done is going to stay as it is. Then, you’d realize that your moving company is going to charge you extra for extending the rent time of the trucks. Plus, workers will be put on hold, doing nothing while you’d be paying them. Therefore, keep your keys close to you and place them where they belong when you’re packing an essentials box.

Packing an essentials box for the whole family

Packing an essentials box for the whole family can be tricky because more often than not it’s not going to be just one box, but at least a couple of them. However, here’s what you need to put in it:

Image of a pack small suitacase

Gadgets can be used to keep kids occupied

  • Documents for all family members
  • Diapers – in case you’re moving with babies
  • Toilet paper
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • A knife
  • Wet wipes
  • Plastic plates, one per family member
  • At least one knife
  • Spoons and forks per family member
  • Towel, one for each family member
  • Underwear, one for each family member
  • Snacks
  • Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Medicines
  • Chargers for all your electrical appliances that you’re taking with you

Items that are not bare necessities, but can help:

  • DVD Player
  • Nintendo or some other portable video game – these are great to keep kids occupied while you’re rushing around
  • A tool kit – just in case
  • Inflatable mattress
  • A pillow
  • Linen

Tips on packing an essentials box

As you’ve seen, an essentials boxes can be quite big and sometimes not just one box, but a few of them. In order to shrink the number of those boxes, you should try to fit one thing into another. This will minimize the unused space. Additionally, do not forget to label your essential boxes. You will put them last into the truck, but in the process of unloading it you might end up placing stuff over it and ultimately lose it.

Therefore, it is a good idea to write on each of its sides what it contains. An even better idea is to color your essential boxes in a very bright color or buy it already colored so that they are easy to locate when they are needed. Furthermore, once you have unloaded all of the stuff from the truck and started putting them into the house, designate a corner of a room where only your essentials box will be placed. It may seem like a difficult task given the number of stuff belongings you have prepared, but it represents one of the tricks to quick unpacking.

Packing an essentials box is so important that we cannot stress enough how much attention you should pay to it. Even Forbes magazine wrote about it. Once you’ve moved and unpacked, you’ll be grateful you’ve followed our advice.