Written by: Kate Becker

Working from home is a dream come true for many people. If you have the luxury of doing so, you should consider setting up your first home office. Whether you live in a house, in the apartment, or you are just moving to another residence, this article can help you find the best solution for your home office space. If you don’t have a large room to remodel into an office, there are many alternative home storage solutions that you can make. No matter what the nature of your job is, a good idea and some patience can help you build a perfect new home office.

Plan the layout of your new home office

Whether you plan to remodel your home or you just moved into your new house, consider planning the layout of your new office. The space you need for it depends on the nature of your job and the available room in your home. Before you start setting up your home office, take a pen and a piece of paper and start planning.

Black & white image of a guy in his home office

The office you make at home should be comfortable and inspiring. Make sure to have a good layout before you start remodeling the room.

The first thing you should do is to decide which room in your new home is most suitable for your home office. The size of the room will not be the most important factor. On the contrary, you should look for the room that has the best position in your home. For example, if you are a writer, you should choose the room that has enough privacy so you can concentrate easily. On the other hand, if you’ll have clients coming over to your new home office, you should choose the room that is the nearest to the entrance door.

People often plan their new home office after the moving process. When it comes to planning the perfect layout for your new home office, you could start planning it even before you move. In case you are to New York and want to start working from home, your movers can help you relocate all of your office supplies. Interstate movers New York will help you save valuable documents and files to your new home office. Relocation experts can also give you helpful tips about placing of your furniture into the room you want to set your office in. Without further ado, let’s see how you can make a perfect layout for your first home office.

Lighting, furniture and storage space

When it comes to setting up the home office, these will be the most important elements you have to plan. Lighting, furniture and storage space in your new home office will directly affect your productivity. When making the initial layout for the office space, write down a plan for setting the lighting. Depending on how much natural light the room has, you can choose more or less strong lighting that will allow you to feel comfortable and productive in your office.

Guy with laptop sitting on a bench, with a lamp next to him.

Consider placing more than one light source in your home office. If you have enough natural light in the room, place your working desk next to the window.

Planning the furniture placing is always the most fun part of any room remodeling. If you have some imagination and free time, you can think of various solutions. However, most people don’t have the perfect size room to transform into an office space. This is why you should consider alternative furniture solutions. Multifunctional furniture pieces can save you a lot of space and help you organize your office supplies. Also, you can make more storing space that can be hidden under or above your working space. This way you can hide all the visible computer cables and wiring. If you need additional storage space in your home office, consider ordering custom-made furniture pieces. You can design them yourself or ask for an expert carpenter to do it for you. Before setting the lighting and furniture in your office, consider the following:

  • Size of the room and corners for the furniture placement
  • The available amount of natural light during the day
  • The functionality of the storage space you want to achieve
  • Making a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere without too many distractions

Moving your home office to a new residence

If you plan to set your new home office after the move, you should make sure to pack all of the important documents. If you are moving to the state of New Jersey, a good moving company can help you relocate to your new home. When it comes to moving your home, many valuable items can break easily during the transportation. This is why you should consider hiring professional movers when moving long distance to New Jersey.

office documents

If you are relocating your home, a good moving company can help you save your valuable belongings.

Before the moving day, there are things you can do to prepare for making your new home office. If you already started working from home, you should make sure to pack all of your office supplies the right way. There are many packing guidelines that you can find online. A good packing tutorial can save you a lot of time and minimize the number of moving boxes you’ll need.

Make your home office inspiring

After you set up your first home office, it is time to make it inspiring. Decorating a home office can be fun, especially if you have some ideas in mind. If you are not good with design and home decoration, some websites for home decoration can be helpful. Before you buy some cans of wall paint, make sure to think of a good wall color. It should not be too hard on the eyes. A home office should not have too many distracting details in it, like some other rooms in your home. Make sure to keep the clean look, so you can be as productive as you can in your new home office space.