Written by: Madeline Blake

Once you start browsing reputable moving companies, one thing is certain – you definitely need a change. And that’s perfectly understandable; there’s no reason for people to stay in one place forever! Of course, now the question is – where will you go? After all, the US is a big place; the lifestyle can differ wildly from coast to coast. So, knowing what you’re after is really important. If you’re looking at the best West Coast cities to relocate to, though; we’ve got a few suggestions for you!

Moving to the City of Angels

So, you’re thinking about what the best West Coast cities are – and you need some expert advice. Don’t worry, we’ve got just what you’re looking for right here. And our first pick of the draft is Los Angeles! Of course, even just looking at the West Coast; not every city suits your lifestyle. But if you’re the type that’s attracted to glamour and generally fun times; this is the place for you! Let’s face it – who wouldn’t want to live near Hollywood? Especially if you’re a performance artist; the US has no better place if you want to make it in show business.

A view of the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles.

For those fond of adventure; know that Hollywood awaits!

Also, imagine all of the fun parties and other events you can go to here! Los Angeles has something new and different to offer every single day and night. So, what are you waiting for? And remember; this place isn’t just great for aspiring actors or writers. As people often forget; LA is a big metropolis of a city, with a pretty strong service economy. If you’re a young person who just wants to work on a career outside the film industry; finding a job in LA should be no problem at all! And let’s not forget the awesome weather.

Seattle is one of the best West Coast cities for sure

Of course, let’s face it; the West Coast isn’t all about parties and fun. After all, while all work and no play is dreadful; you still have to make a living. And sure, we’ve mentioned that LA can provide work opportunities as well; but what about people who don’t aren’t working in service or film industries? In such a case, you might want to look more north: to the city of Seattle! Truly, as you’ll see; for a budding professional, this is one of the best places to visit and move to.

A view of the Seattle skyline during nighttime.

Seattle is one of the biggest corporate hubs on the West Coast; so make use of that!

First of all, you should know that the Port of Seattle is one of the biggest trading hubs on the entire western seaboard! So, if you know something about maritime logistics; this is the place for you! And on the other hand; Seattle’s land-based economy is in great shape as well. In fact, it’s one of the fastest growing cities in the country. And it’s no wonder, with a business landscape dominated by many large companies. If you want to make it in the corporate world; this is one of the best West Coast cities for that.

San Diego – the birthplace of California!

For our next recommendation, we’re going back to the state of California – and with good reason! Because if you want a middle ground between the non-stop mayhem that is LA, and the corporate opportunities of Seattle; San Diego is definitely the best option! First of all, if you’re in the military or a related industry; you’ll find that there’s no shortage of work here. San Diego is home to one of the biggest fleets in the US; which naturally has a positive effect on the local economy. Indeed, something like 5 percent of all the jobs in San Diego are related to the troops.

A businessman standing smiling with the San Diego skyline in the background.

San Diego is definitely a place where you can find work, but also relax.

But that’s not the only reason you should look for the best long distance movers San Diego has to offer! On the other hand, you’ll find an extremely developed tourist economy here. It’s no wonder, with the city being near some of the most beautiful beaches around. If you’re keen on spending some quality time by the ocean; San Diego is definitely one of the best West Coast cities to live in. So why not use this opportunity to lead a life full of both opportunities and relaxation?

Silicon Valley awaits!

Naturally, there is really no decent list of the best West Coast cities that omits San Francisco; for obvious reasons. In many ways, this is definitely the city of the future. First of all, if you’re working in some sort of tech industry; need we really explain any further why you should look for the best long distance moving companies San Francisco can offer? Not only will you easily be able to find work; but you’ll always be at the forefront of the latest tech developments. And besides; maybe you’ll want to start your own company here, like so many industry giants have?

It’s not just for tech people

Also, it’s worth remembering – even if you’re not working in tech, San Francisco is still an amazing place to live in. After all, all of these futuristic companies mean you’ll be the first to have some great amenities. Remember; this is the first city in the world that had access to an Uber! So why not relocate here, and always be the first to try anything new. Also, you can still reach some amazing beaches with just a short drive. Really, this is a city that can offer you more of a 21st-century experience than any other on Earth; so why not take advantage of such an opportunity?